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October 4, 2016< 1 min read

Banking Process Collection Demo at BAI Beacon

Axxiome is in Chicago this week at the BAI Beacon conference.

Axxiome is a proud sponsor of the BAI Beacon conference and will be in Chicago at the event on the October 5th and 6th providing demos of our Banking Process Collection (BPC) product.

Axxiome’s BPC enables banks to optimize their backend and frontend operations through omni-channel, capabilities, simplified processes and integration.

Axxiome will be demonstrating BPC’s capabilities through loan origination scenarios, account opening process, and money movement.


If you are at BAI Beacon this week, be sure to come see Axxiome at the event!

If you are not able to attend BAI Beacon, but are interested in learning more about the BPC Demo, contact Axxiome for more information.