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Digital Transformation Event of Banking Club in Frankfurt Banner
22. Februar 2017 19:23:00 MEZ< 1 min Lesezeit

Digital Transformation Event of Banking Club in Frankfurt

Axxiome is pleased to be attending the “Digitale Transformation” event of the BANKINGCLUB in Frankfurt on the 27th of April. We are proud to announce that we are a partner of the Pecha Kucha Session.

At the event, Axxiome will present Axxiome Digital, a flagship product designed to purposefully transform Financial Institutions (FIs) into customer-centric and future-ready digital enterprises. Axxiome Digital supplements existing technology landscape at FIs with ready-to-use omni-channel solutions and UIs, out-of-the-box banking processes, and digital widgets that ensure seamless operations and superior experiences in every customer interaction across devices and channels.

At the event, bankers and experts of the financial industry will be covering key Digital Transformation topics that are affecting the financial industry today.
